1. Great show Bob, great selection of music!

  2. Bobby G, Awesome show!!! Great choice of female groups. DJ’s Ali & Chrissy are still waiting………..

    1. Author

      Once I get a host for my Internet radio show, guest DJs are a definite possibility. Thanks Guy.

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  3. This collection of songs brought back so, so many wonderful events in my life! Many of the songs on this podcast made me wish I had someone here to slow dance with. Many thanks to Bobby G for this delightful romp down memory lane! P.S. Loved the shout out to “The Cellar Dwellers”!

    1. Author

      More shows on the way. Thanks.

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  4. Great picks Bob! Sorry it took so long. To listen.

    1. Author

      Thanks Chris.

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  5. Great job Bob! I recall first falling in love with 60’s music after seeing American Graffiti (1973). That album was all I wanted for Christmas and I listened to it over and over again. I enjoyed that you added more recent girl bands too, especially Manic Monday, the motivation for many working folk on the dreaded Monday morning! I look forward to future podcasts!

    1. Author

      Thanks Kathie.

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  6. way to go, Bobby G

    1. Author

      Thanks Bernie

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  7. Another great job! Make Believe Radio has two more regular listeners.

    1. Author


      Managed WordPress Migration User
  8. Like it Bob great music and sound good luck.From one Disc Jockey to another. Your friend Vinnie Sansone

    1. Author

      Thanks Vinnie.

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  9. Hi Bob. Finally got to listen to the girl group podcast
    and really enjoyed it! Some of my favorites. Keep up the good job.

    1. Author

      Thanks. I think you will like Podcast Four: Favorite 45s

      Managed WordPress Migration User
  10. Great music. I loved almost every song.

    1. Author

      Thank you. We are busy trying to transition to a real Internet radio show. Please stay tuned for further developments.

      Managed WordPress Migration User

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